Dec. 4-5 8:00PM
Sunday, Dec. 6 2:00PM
Long before the fairy tales of Hans Christian Anderson or the Brothers Grimm, there was Shakespeare's CYMBELINE. All the fairy-tale elements are here to enjoy: a wicked stepmother/queen who is beautiful and deadly, a plucky but innocent heroine who is falsely accused and who must escape into the wilds, a hero who is valiant and brave but also hot tempered and rash, a villainous seducer and a prince who plans murder and rape when thwarted of his prize, and last but not least, a pair of missing heirs who have been raised in the wilds as sort of “noble savages."
The action moves from the British Court of Cymbeline - rife with suspicion, to Rome - bright, glossy, sophisticated with seductive traps for the unwary, to Wales - the forest primeval – green and wild, purifying, but also with its dangers.
The cast of 3rd Semester Theatre Studio students includes Jesse Frawley as Cymbeline, King of the Britons, and Carissa Zielinski, Anna Szabo, Zach Riley, Boris Nikolovski, Anna Raymo, Perri Foster, Cyrstal Bialoskurski, Envy Meisel, Alek Kring, Tim Ewald, Ian Whipp, Heath Sartorius, Nick Lemmer, Hannah Price, Connor Kelly, Dustin Dikes, Richard Kopitsch, Tong Kupatavetin and Chatiana Moore.
Donations welcome, suggested $5 students, $10 adults.