Tom Heideman’s new CD "Inertia Removed" is now available at Marshall Music in Lansing, MI
$10 plus tax.
Tom can mail one for $13.25 total. ([email protected])
For a mail order, send a check made to Marshall Music, mail it to Marshall Music, 3240 E. Saginaw Hwy, Lansing, MI 48912 Attn: Tom Heideman or call 517-337-9700 and ask for Tom.
if you want one directly from Tom, send him a private message on facebook.
He hopes to have it available to download soon!
Thanks AGAIN to Tom (and Mary) for the MANY YEARS of “Riverwalk Saturday Night” shows (and even before that, at the Barn) donating ALL the proceeds to Community Circle Players at Riverwalk (and/or the Okemos Barn, back in the day).