Actors, mark your calendars!
On a single day, Ixion will be holding AUDITIONS for its three full-length plays .
Date: July 29, 2018
Time: 4-7pm
Location: Sharp Park Amphitheater 1401 Elmwood Rd. Lansing, MI
The Sunset Limited by Cormac McCarthy
Directed by O.G. Ueberroth
Performances September 8, 9, 15 & 16
Roles Available:
--"White"- a white male
--"Black"- a black male
Welcome to the White Room by Trish Harnetiaux
Directed by Leo Poroshin
Performances October 20, 21, 27 & 28
--Ms. White- Female 30s
--Jennings- Male 50s (Requires a British Accent)
--Mr. Paine- Male 40s
--Patrick-Male 20s
Fight Girl Battle World by Qui Nguyen
Directed by jeff croff
Performances March 16, 17, 23 & 24
Seeking 5 females and 4 males to fill the following roles (Some double casting). Some roles may require puppet work. Almost all will require stage combat.
E-V-The last human female in the galaxy
Adon-Ra-The last human male in the galaxy
General Dan'h
J'an Jah
President Ya-Wi
Commander G'Bril
Mikah Monoch-A female bounty hunter
Zoo Keeper
R,P9ED Two
Leader One
Fight Announcer
Gary the Tingarian
Chindor the Akitomi
Auditions will be cold reads from scripts. Perusal scripts are available upon request.
Auditions for Hope, Ixion’s collection of new original short scripts, will be held in March or April of 2019.
For more information email [email protected]; call 517.775.4246 or visit Ixion on facebook.