Character Breakdown (characters may be any ethnicity):
Sam, a young man, early 20’s
Armadillo, an intelligent man, late 40’s
Nathan, Sam’s father, late 50’s
Abby, a sweet girl, late teens
Tiffany, a widow, late 40’s
Yben, brother of Sam, early 20’s
Note: I am open to casting people who may be different ages than those suggested in the script.
Auditions are Saturday May 3rd 1:00-4:00 in the Riverwalk rehearsal space. There will be a sign up list at the auditions. I will be asking actors to read from the sides. Audition slots will be 5-10 minutes each. Rehearsal schedule (no more than 3 rehearsals) will be determined by the actor's availability.
I am attaching the sides as well as the full script. Respond to [email protected]

sam.pdf |

sam_is_your_name-play.pdf |