A romantic and silly cheap date for your Day of Love
Audio Air Force performance of Live Radio Show — Acts of Love 3.0 - with all the fun sound effects in full view.
7pm at E. L. Hannah Center
$10 at the door; general seating
Everyone’s favorite emcee, Matt Ottinger, will provide humorous/sarcastic and/or poetic commentary — as well as a brief but poignant portrayal of Millard Filmore in the script where President’s Day and Valentine’s Day morph together to recruit dead presidents for dating advice.
Other new scripts in this collection answer the burning questions:
Can zombie-fighting video-game AI characters escape the game for love?
How would a hierarchy of angels fare in a Glengarry-Glen-Ross performance review?
Can the sensible sister save her silly smitten sis from a sacrificial wedding to Satan at Bob’s Bargain Bridal Shoppe?
Is The Love Boat a cult?
What does it take to flip a middle-aged couple’s romantic perspective in a coffee shop?
(That last script I wrote! I’m excited to hear it performed by the stellar Jim Coyer and Rachel Mender!)
Playwrights: Patti Spinner, John & Michelle Jackson, Debbie Lundeen, Tom Cantrell, Jonathan Ritz, Jane Zussman
Performers: Josh Bliss, Holly Kay Cannon, Tom Cantrell, Maria Cook, Jim Coyer, John Jackson, Michelle Jackson, Hollie Lane, Steve Ledyard, Bobby Maldonado, Rachel Mender, Matt Ottinger, Lynne Peacock, Morgan Pohl, Tony Radebaugh, Sandy Thomasson, Patti Spinner, Jane Zussman, Mark Zussman
Listen to previous radio shows at: