The role in Ruthless open to community members is the role of Tina Denmark a multi-talented young girl who can sign, dance and act!
The other roles will be played by MSU students. All 8 other characters can be college or adult age and of either gender.
Everyone auditioning should prepare an uptempo song 32 bars in length that shows off your personality. All actors cast will be paid.
Callbacks will be held immediately following the auditions. until 2:45 PM. Auditions and callbacks in Room 12 in the basement of the Auditorium Building on the MSU campus. Enter the Auditorium Building from the Farm Lane side and head downstairs.
Ruthless begins rehearsals on 5/12/2014. The show runs 6/25-6/28/2014.
Any questions please contact [email protected]
DATE: 4/6/2014 (Sun.)
Thank You!
Dave Wendelberger
Music Director and Publicity
MSU Department of Theatre
[email protected]