Plot: A young psychopath deals with depression by indulging in his passion for paranormal investigations.
Shoot: Fall/Winter (Specific Dates TBD)
Auditions: Oct. 26th-28th (Individual appointments also available at convenience)
- Location: 320 Parkwood Dr Apt. S12 Lansing MI 48917
Available Roles:
Tiffany: Sarcastic, outspoken, and confident, she has been trying to get away from herself by assisting Jeremiah's investigations
Mitch: Stoner, Laid-back, coward, loyal, goof-ball, Jeremiah's best friend and paranormal investigator
Mr. Thompson: Jeremiah's father, distant and somewhat interested in Jeremiah's life
Jim Baum: Jeremiah's contact for drugs, childish, short attention span, forgetful
Rainn: Cemetery groundskeeper, stern, doesn't like teens
Chris: Jock, dumb, horny, with anger issues, used to know Tiffany
Billy Boy: he's a big moosey with intellect, Chris' friend
Compensation: A DVD of the finished Product, the gig is unpaid
Email to Contact if interested: [email protected]