1 male 18-30 (Roles of Pate, Tantalus & Anthony "X-man" Fiama)
1 male 45+ (Roles of Helios, Zeus & Jimmy "Two Suits" Montagna)
1 female 18-30 (Role Athena)
2 females 35+ (Roles of Demeter, Hera & Icarus's Mother)
Rehearsals will be in the evenings and begin the week of April 7th.
Performances will be May 15-25 (Thursday -Saturday 8 p.m. & Sunday 2 p.m.)
Auditions will be sides from the scripts. Appointments are not required. Please bring a snapshot and resume.
For more information or to request PDFs of the scripts, please email [email protected] or call 517.775.4246.