I want to say thanks to all of you who are recruiting for our upcoming "Person on the Street" commercial and for all the work you are doing on Prop 1! We are coming along, but we still need your help. With less than a week until our next shoot – we need additional people in Grand Rapids for March 19th, as well as people in Lansing , Plymouth and Ann Arbor on March 21st. We need all kinds of folks, older, younger, middle – regular voting citizens. They will just answer a question or say a line or two, nothing lengthy or complex. I have attached the information and release form again for your convenience – talk to your friends, co-works and family – we'd love to have them participate!
Person on the Street Commercial Shoot
March 19 & 21, 2015
We are looking for volunteers to participate in commercials for the Safe Roads Yes campaign. Filming will be on March 19th and 21st in various locations around the state that have been listed below. All ages and backgrounds will be needed. Additionally, we are looking for a few specific participants – a mom with children as well as uniformed officers, firefighters and EMS. Please share with your members, co-workers, friends, family and neighbors that would be comfortable on camera.
March 19th
• Downtown Grand Rapids 9:30am-11:30am (we need 10 participants at this location)
Meeting location: MADCAP 98 Monroe Center St NW, Grand Rapids
March 21st
• Old Town Lansing, 8:15am –9:30am (we need 5 participants at this location)
Meeting location: Such Video 110 E. Grand River, Lansing
• Downtown Lansing, 10am-11:30am (we need 5 participants at this location)
Meeting location: Biggby Coffee 115 W. Allegan, Lansing
• Downtown Plymouth Area, 1:30pm-2:30pm (we need 5 participants at this location)
Meeting location: Panera 400 S. Main St., Plymouth
• Downtown Ann Arbor, 3:45pm -5:00pm (we need 5 participants at this location)
Meeting location: Starbucks 300 S. Main St., Ann Arbor
Anyone interested in participating or for further information please contact:
Patrick Myers
WWP Strategies
patrick @wwpstrategies.com
Jody Stock
WWP Strategies
[email protected]