6/6 - 9 -7pm (4pm Sunday) Digging Up Dessa -By Laura Schellhardt, Directed by Dionne O’Dell - MSU
6/13 - 16 - 7pm (4pm Sunday) [Title of Show] - Music and lyrics by Jeff Bowen, Book by Hunter Bell, Directed by Adam Yankowy, Music directed by Dave Wendelberger - MSU
6/14-23 - 7:30pm Fri & Sat; 2pm Sun - Next to Normal - LEB
6/20 - 23 - 7pm (4pm Sunday) The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Abridged) [Revised] [Again] - By Adam Long, Daniel Singer, and Jess Winfield, Directed by Alexis Black - MSU
6/26 - 6pm - Barney Awards Celebration free of charge for all participants/supporters of Riverwalk Season 35 - RWT
6/26-30 - 7 p.m. As You Like It by William Shakespeare, directed by Mary Job - Outdoor Amphitheatre LCC
6/27-8/4 - Thu-Fri-Sat 8pm; Wed-Sat-Sun 2pm - Predictor - Director Billicia Charnelle Hines; Sat. matinees begin 7/6; Wed. matinees: 7/24 & 31 - No show 7/4 - WT
Greater Lansing Ubiquitous Theatres:
LEB - Lebowsky Center for Performing Arts - 122 E. Main St., Owosso, MI - LebowskyCenter.com - 989-723-4003
MSU - Michigan State University Department of Theatre - show locations see website: www.theatre.msu.edu
WT - Williamston Theatre - 122 S. Putnam St. Williamston 48895 - 517-655-SHOW (7469) www.williamstontheatre.org