That said, Gravedigger - a Frankenstein Story, was not my favorite Williamston show. I have loved previous Zettelmaier scripts (It Came From Mars, Dead Man's Shoes, And the Creek Don't Rise, Ebenezer) but this one, dubbed "a gothic drama" at Zettelmaier's web site... seemed a little ponderous and gloomy. Perhaps the author was confined to preachy gloom by his intent to "fill in the blanks of Mary Shelley's novel" which was published in the early 1800's.
Director John Lepard guided his cast through the artistic, layered tree-silhouette backdrop and "graveyard" of wooden bench type structures (Kirk Domer) which set a rustic, abstract mood, enhanced by spooky lighting (Daniel C. Walker) and sound (Michelle Raymond) The monster makeup/costume was very good - not sure whom to credit: Costumes Karen Kangas-Preston - no "makeup" person designated - perhaps props-master, Bruce Bennett was responsible?
The script does introduce interesting ideas about the origin of the soul and how kindred outcasts can be catalysts for that process, with some hints of faith regenerated/redemption. Mark Colson was excellent in the title role, as the damaged, drunken, ex-priest Gravedigger who takes the suicidal creature under his wing in a "journey of discovery and friendship, leading to a crossroads where both men face their shared past." Alex Leydenfrost was the monstrous but child-like "Anton" the creature; Alysia Kolascz was the outcast gypsy who also befriended/befuddled the creature; Joe Siebert was Victor, the grief-crazed doctor, hunting his creation.
The Gravedigger, a Frankenstein Story continues through November 2 655-SHOW (7469)