A Room With a View By Christina Calvit
Based on the novel by E.M. Forster
8 p.m. Friday, November 7, 2014
8 p.m. Saturday, November 8, 2014
8 p.m. Friday, November 14, 2014
8 p.m. Saturday, November 15, 2014
2 p.m. Sunday, November 16, 2014 (sign interpreted)
Dart Auditorium
500 N. Capitol Ave.
Lansing, MI 48933
Lucy Honeychurch takes her first trip to Florence, Italy, and finds adventure in beauty, nature and romance, all starting with a room: a room without a view. Accompanied by chaperone Charlotte to be sure everything is as proper as at home in upper middle-class Edwardian England, Lucy meets young George Emerson and his father when the gentlemen offer their rooms so the ladies will indeed have a view. Lucy's world opens wide in the passionate gardens, streets and countryside of Italy, and a romance soon buds with the intellectually challenging but socially unacceptable George. A passionate kiss is shared, but Charlotte crushes the affair and when Lucy returns to England, she becomes engaged to the proper and priggish Cecil Vyse. Coincidences bring George back into Lucy's world. Is it too late for courage to prevail over convention, truth over propriety, and for love to shine through?
Director Andy Callis said, "The choices the characters face are about what is real and natural versus what is artificial and pretended. These choices exist on many levels, dealing with issues of class, art, family, and most importantly: love. When a natural and open choice is made, the view opens up to something both real and beautiful."
The large cast features LCC students, alumni and several actors from the community including Sally Hecksel as Lucy, Michael Boxleitner as George, Kelley McNabb as Charlotte, Rick M. Dethlefsen as Mr. Emerson, Devin Faught as Cecil Vyse, with Boris Nikolovski (Mr. Beebe), Danica O'Neill (Eleanor Lavish), Cassie Little (Mrs. Honeychurch), Jesse Frawley (Rev. Eager), Sandy Hudson Thomasson (Miss Catherine Alan), Becca Williams (Miss Teresa Alan), Ian Whipp (Freddy Honeychurch), T.E. Klunzinger (Sir Harry Otway), Shelby Parker (Minnie Beebe), Zachary Riley (Italian Driver), Anna Szabo (Italian Driver’s Sister), and the ensemble including Nick Lemmer, Diana Benson, Charlsie Cole, Connor Kelly, Shannon Johnston Roper, Hunter Folleth, Patrick Foster, Joshua Ellison, Dakota Jarrod, and Sarah Wilke.
This production contains nudity.
$5 students, $10 seniors, LCC faculty/staff, $15 general public
Purchase at the door ½ hour before curtain, or in advance at LCC’s Hole in the Hall book shop, Room 133 Gannon Building between 10am-6pm Monday, Tuesday & Thursday; 10a-4pm Wednesday.
LCC Performing Arts Production Office, 517-483-1488