The ridiculously fun LAW AND ORDER: FAIRY TALE UNIT by Jonathan Rand, is based on the original television show, but with a quirky twist: “In the fairy tale criminal justice system, the characters from fairy tales and nursery rhymes are represented by two separate yet equally ridiculous groups: the fairy tale police who investigate fairy tale crime, and the fairy tale district attorneys who prosecute the fairy tale offenders. These are their stories.” The cast includes Alaina Humphrey as “Cindy/Merm”, Callie Reichel as “H.D.”, Reyna Estrada as “Zelle/Gold/Happy”, Danielle Holloway as “Jiliian/Ugly D/Dopey”, Korinne Salisbury as “Jack/Grumpy/Queenan/Judge F. Godmother”, Brandon Townsend as “Hansel/Captain/Wolf/Pig 3”, Porsha as “Gretel/Sleepy/Peep”, Kaleel Van Voorhees as “Pinocchio/Doc/Pig 1”, Joni Rognon as “Bashful/Stiltskin”, Calixthe Onwere as “Sneezy/Pig 2”,
EFFIGY IN THE OUTHOUSE, by Newberry-award winning author Richard Peck is the story of schoolchildren set in 1901 doing their best to trick a spooky substitute but are taken aback when the trick turns on them! Nate Bilbey as “Willard”, Laura Stanton as “Cecil”, Lauren Kreuer as “Justin”, Emma McIlhagga as “Edna Wilberforce”, Lottie-Brooke Mims as “Mae”, Danielle Pollak as “Faye”, Linda Webster as “Cecilia Soper”, Erin Ruster as “Small Boy”, Reyna Estrada as “Miss Delilah Dollop”, Alaina Humphrey as “Miss Naomi Starbody” and Anne Stanton as “Mrs. Wilberforce”.
Tickets are $10 and can be purchased at the theatre doors 30 minutes prior to show. For more information, please call 517-336-4088 or [email protected].