4/6-7 - 13-14 7pm Fri & Sat, 1pm Sat - Oliver! the Musical Charlotte Performing Arts Center, 378 State St, Charlotte, MI 48813 Homeschool Performing Arts - www.hpami.org
4/6-8 - 8 pm Fri/Sat; 2 pm Sun - Painted Ladies dance concert inspired by paintings, Dart Auditorium - LCC
4/12-14 - 7 pm Thur/Fri & 10 am Sat - AUDITIONS for Ring Around Rosalie - 1120 N. Pennsylvania Ave - 48906 - DT
4/13-15 & 4/17-22 - Fri 4/13-8 pm; Sat 4/14-8 pm; Sun 4/15-2 pm; Tues 4/17-7:30 pm; Wed
4/18-7:30 pm; Thur 4/19-7:30 pm; Fri 4/20-8 pm; Sat 4/21-2 pm & 8 pm; Sun 4/22-2 pm - Green Day’s American Idiot by Green Day - B.J.Armstrong & M. Mayer - Pasant Theatre - director/choreographer Brad Willcuts - MSU
4/12 & 13 - 7:30 pm Thursday & Friday - S’Moves Alive! Dances by Roberta Otten and John MacDonald with Bill Tennant on clarinet and music duo Clique: Kelly Sandula-Gruner (vocals) and Dan Templin (vocals and keyboard) classical jazz and contemporary music. Central United Methodist Church, 215 N. Capitol Ave. Lansing, MI. Free Admission. 517-339-0905 for further information.
4/19-22 & 26-29 - 7 pm Thur; 8 pm Fri/Sat; 2 pm Sun - Bud, Not Buddy, director: Tom Ferris - a special April 20 fundraising performance to benefit Reading Is Fundamental (RIF), a leading voice for children’s literacy. Author Christopher Paul Curtis will attend and will present a talkback after the performance - all tickets $20 for that date - RWT
4/26 - 6 pm PSST reception for age 55+ preceding 7pm performance of Bud, Not Buddy - RWT
4/20-22 & 27-29 - 8 pm Fri/Sat; 3 pm Sun - Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike, 2013 Tony for Best Play - OCP
4/21 - 7 pm - Singers on the Grand - Hannah Center - SOG
4/26-29 & 5/3-6 - 8 pmThur/Fri/Sat; 2 pm Sun - I Love You Because, director: Michele Booher-Purosky - PCTC
4/27-28 - 8 pm - Men of Steel by Qui Nguyen (He also wrote She Kills Monsters) directed by John Lennox LCC Black Box 1422 Gannon Building - Free admission - LCC
4/27 - 5/6 - Fri 7 pm; Sat 2 & 7 pm; Sun 3 pm - Beauty and the Beast at Hannah Center - AECT
Greater Lansing Ubiquitous Theatres
*AAF - Audio Air Force - live “radio shows” - www.audioairforce.com - Dave Downing - 517-881-9746
**AECT - All-of-us Express Children’s Theatre -www.cityofeastlansing.com/allofus - 517-319-6957 - [email protected]
AND - Andromeda Community Theatre, Charlotte, MI - www.andromedaplayers.org - [email protected] - 517-303-4576
**BLP - Blue Light Players - www.bluelightplayers.com, [email protected], 517-490-4567 / 282-4699
DT - The Downeaster Theatre -1120 N. Pennsylvania Ave. - Lansing 48906; www.thedowneastertheatre.com
**ELCT - East Lansing Community Theatre performing Shakespeare - see Facebook; [email protected]
GCT - Generations Community Theater (517) - 410 - 4356 [email protected]
HGP - Homegrown Productions, St. Johns (989) 224-8982, “Homegrown Productions St. Johns” Facebook
*IX - Ixion - ixiontheatre.com, [email protected], 517-775-4246
LCC - Lansing Community College Communication, Media & the Arts - www.lcc.edu/showinfo -
517-483-1488 • 517-483-1122
**MTC - Midway Theater Company - midwaytheatercompany.org - (517) 316-5272
MMFT - Mid Michigan Family Theatre - 517-339-2145 - www.freewebs.com/midmichfamilytheatre
MSU - Michigan State University Department of Theatre - www.theatre.msu.edu - 517-432-2000
MSUO - MSU Opera Theatre, music.msu.edu/areas-studios/vocal-arts/msu-opera-theatre - 517-353-5340
OTL - Over the Ledge Theatre Company - Fitzgerald Park, Grand Ledge, www.overtheledge.org - 517-318-0579
OCP - Owosso Community Players - www.owossoplayers.com - 989-723-4003
PCTC - Peppermint Creek Theatre Company - www.peppermintcreek.org - 517-927-3016
RWT - Community Circle Players at Riverwalk Theatre, www.RiverwalkTheatre.com, 517-482-5700
**SPA - The Studio Performing Arts Ctr. - E.L Dance & Acting Co. - www.dancesingact.com - 517-336-4088
SOG - Singers on the Grand - see Facebook; 517-242-9207
STL - Starlight Dinner Theatre - 517-243-6040 - www.starlightdinnertheatre.com
WT - Williamston Theatre - 517-655-SHOW (7469) www.williamstontheatre.org
WTN - Wharton Center for Performing Arts at MSU - 517-432-2000 or 1-800-Wharton or www.whartoncenter.com
* performs at Robin Theatre, 1105 S. Washington, 48910
** performs at Hannah Center, 819 Abbot Rd., E. Lansing