On Friday, March 24, the Audio Air Force will present “Acts of Love: A Night of One-Acts…of Love”. This will feature 6 original scripts by members of the Audio Air Force. The production will be at the Hannah Community Center, 819 Abbot in East Lansing beginning at 7pm.
The Audio Air Force is a nonprofit organization that produces audio theater, both recreations of classic radio and audio programs, as well as original scripts. The plays are done live, on stage, using audio to create what is called “theater of the mind”. This is done with actors, music and live sound effects.
Tickets are $10 at the door; in advance online for $10 (plus handling) from .
Featured in the March 24 show will be:
“Ugly Earrings” – A funeral home is a very unlikely place for love to begin, but that’s just what happens to two strangers who happen to meet there.
“An Auto Odyssey” – It’s said that the limits of “artificial intelligence” are still unknown. Can an “A-I” computer actually feel love, or other emotions? A new car buyer finds out what the future interactions of humans and computers might be.
“The Pinkertons - Valentine Edition” – The Pinkertons returns to the Audio Air Force with an interesting look at the mysterious Cupid.
“Our Possible Pasts” – Have you ever wondered what would have happened if you had just done something different in your past? If you would have made a different decision, how would your life be different? This one-act play explores those possibilities
in a unique way.
“For Better or Worse” – Polls. We’ve all seen them on social media. You and everyone else votes on whether something is popular, is worth watching, or thousands of other topics that come up. What about a poll concerning love?
“Do You Wanna Dance?” – Two strangers meet at a wedding reception, and find the unexpected.
For more information contact Dave Downing at mailto:[email protected] or call 517‑881‑9746. Also listen to past shows, recorded, at http://www.AudioAirForce.com or connect on our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/audioairforce