For over 50 years, the Department of Theatre has provided free theater for three weeks on the banks of the Red Cedar. Students and faculty from the Theatre Department, along with local theater professionals, join together with one goal—FREE summer entertainment for all. The cost of this is shared by the University and you, the public. And that’s why we invite you to our annual fund-raiser--
Wednesday, May 8, 3013, 6:00-9:00 p.m.
New Location: the Scene Shop on Harrison Road, just south of Kalamazoo St.
(old site of the Michigan State Police Headquarters)
Hosted by Evan Pinsonnault of TV6, the program will include scenes from the 2013 Summer Circle season, presentation of the Friend of Theatre of the Year award, country dancing to the music of Laura Stein’s string band Oh! Contraire, with Mike Clark as caller, a silent auction including tickets to area theaters and many other tempting items, and of course an extensive array of hors-d’oeuvres and wine. CASUAL DRESS is suggested.
This is an evening not to be missed. Call the Theatre Department at 517-355-6691 to reserve your tickets. $45 each, credit cards accepted. If you can’t attend, donations can be made at