“Belles on Their Toes” the sequel to "Cheaper by the Dozen" picks up after Father’s death of a heart attack. Mother (Teresa Hurd) is struggling to make ends meet for her twelve children without her husband's income. She decides to leave the family for six weeks to fulfil her husband’s lecture tour contract. While she is gone, Frank (David Larner) tries to fill his Father’s shoes, Tom, the handyman, (Ted Wulfekuhler) concocts a plan to bottle homemade root beer in the cellar, Martha (Emma Hansen) rents out Mother’s room to Mr. Hathaway (Douglas Hoy) Anne (Kriss Martinez) finds romance with Dr. Bob (Will Easley)) and Ernestine (Angela Gardner) develops a crush on Al Lynch (Alex Larner). In the meantime, Cousin Leora (Marilyn Wulfekuhler)) schemes to parcel out the children to relatives and a young man, David Loring (Chris Myers) makes an unexpected visit to the Gilbreth home.
The rest of the children, Bill (Isaac Torok) Fred (Corbin Hisler) Dan (Levi Torok), Mary (Marja Wiitala) Lillian (Abbrey Ann Gibson) Alice (Cailynn Hisler) and Janie (Carmynn Hisler) all try to make do while Mother is gone, until an unexpected event requires a visit from the local policeman, Officer Crawford (Paul Torok). At which point total pandemonium breaks out, much to Mother’s dismay upon her arrival home.
“Belles On Their Toes” is a coming of age story that will make you laugh but also touch your heart and bring back memories of your own childhood. This production, presented by Generations Community Theater, features actors from Eaton Rapids, Charlotte, Holt and Lansing and is being directed by Teresa Hurd.
This fundraiser production for St. Casimir Parish Religious Education Dept. will be performed May 18, and 19, at 7:00 PM with a 2:00 PM matinee on the 20th. The location is, St. Casmir’s Family Life Center, 815 Sparrow Ave, Lansing, MI, 48610. Tickets at the door or can be purchased at the Parish office. For further information, contact Teresa Hurd mailto:[email protected] or see http://www.generationstheater.com