People often ask us in the prop loft what we need for our collection of props. The usual response is, “We really don’t know until we need it.” We try to anticipate common items that are about to become extinct. Not long ago we realized that we no longer rely on phone books like we once did and we collected a few while we could get them. Likewise, we expanded our collection of land line phones when people began to give them up for their cell phones.
Now, thinking ahead, we believe we can use a couple of discarded electronic tablets and smart phones. Since space is always a concern for all departments at Riverwalk, we can only use one or two of each type but since styles of electronics evolve so rapidly, we would like a small collection of various models.
Looking back, we would like to have a Selectric typewriter to add to our collection of typewriters. And finally, we would like a few army blankets to add to our collection of military equipment.
If any of you out there have any of these items and don’t know what to do with them, please consider donating them to Riverwalk Theatre. Contact Sandy Norton to arrange for delivery. mailto:[email protected]