(I got and email “invite”’; I’m not sure, passing this on, but I think, if you search The Curtainless Theatre on Facebook, you will find the link or it will just BE there. It’s nice to see SOME semblance of “live theatre” can still happen under quarantine! - Jane)
Synopsis: As punishment for his compassion and gifts to mankind — including the all-important gift of fire — Zeus chains his former friend and ally Prometheus to a cliff, dooming him to suffer interminable torment for all eternity, or so he thinks. As friends and enemies visit the imprisoned Titan, he reveals his vision of the future, of his eventual release, and of the downfall of the newly crowned king of the gods, brought about by Zeus himself through his pride and hubris.
Come explore this classic story of compassion, pride, greed, and destiny with us.
Director: Dale Wayne Williams
Tech Director: Cody James Skalmowski
Prometheus: Kameron Going
Hephaestus: Tim Edinger
Kratos: Chris Didur
Bia: Monica Holland
Oceanus: Joe Clark
Io: Ellie Wiess
Hermes: Robert Mueller