BUT we DO want to get the word out about the Dart foundation -- for the Riverwalk Theatre "Shout it to the Rooftops " fundraiser for the furnace/roof/electric capital campaign.
The Dart Foundation has awarded Riverwalk Theatre with a “Challenge Grant”. Any donations received between 3/1/13 and 3/1/14 (specifically for this campaign) will be matched up to the amount of $15,000! We might want to let people know that any donations now given to “Shout it to the Rooftop” – will be worth a twice as much!
Send your check to Riverwalk Theatre "Shout it to the Rooftop" - checks payable to Riverwalk Theatre. P.O. Box 12249, Lansing, MI 48901
Help keep RWT leak-free, warm/cool, and all lit up for decades to come!