4/26-29 & 5/3-6 - 8 pmThur/Fri/Sat; 2 pm Sun - I Love You Because, director: Michele Booher-Purosky - PCTC
4/27 - 5/6 - Fri 7 pm; Sat 2 & 7 pm; Sun 3 pm - Beauty and the Beast at Hannah Center - AECT
5/4-5 - 8 pm - Mutually Assured Destruction: 10 Plays About Brothers and Sisters directed by Mary Matzke - LCC Black Box 1422 Gannon Building - Free admission - LCC
5/7 - 7pm AUDITIONS for Norma and Wanda and Dancing at Lughnasa for Over the Ledge Theatre at First Presbyterian Church, downtown - OTL
5/7 - 7 pm Monday - Theatre Audition Showcase - LCC Blackbox Theatre - 4th Semester theatre students showcase monologues and scenes. Instructor-John Lepard - Free - LCC
5/18-20 -7 pm Fri/Sat; 2pm Sun - Belles on Their Toes St. Casimir Catholic Church Outreach Ministries Fundraiser - GCT
5/4 - 5/13 - 7pm Fri/Sat; 2pm Sun; - Actor’s Twilight Zone (two plays by Christopher Durang),Windwalker Galleries, 125 S Cochran Ave, Charlotte, MI 48813 - director: Michael Hays - AND
5/4-6 & 11-12 - 6:30 dinner 7:30 show; Sunday 5/6 only: dessert 1:30 show 2 pm - One Slight Hitch, director: Mona Gille - STL
5/6 - 5-7 pm Lucky’s Binge episodes 1-4 - DT
5/6 - 8 pm Lucky’s episode 5 - DT
5/10-13 & 17-20 - 7 pm Thur; 8 pm Fri/Sat; 2 pm Sun - Scotland Road, director: Bob Robinson - Black Box - RWT
5/11 - 7 pm - The Giver, AECT
5/12-13 & 19-20 - 8 pm Sat; 2 pm Sun - Fears and Phobias, world premiere new short plays, directors: Nick Lemmer & Heath Sartorius - IX
5/17-19 - 6:30 Thur/Fri; 10 am Sat - AUDITIONS (ages 6-18) for Roald Dahl’s Willy Wonka Jr - Hannah Center - AECT
5/17-20 & 25-27- 7 pm Thur; 8 pm Fri, 2 & 8 pm Sat; 2 pm Sun - 1120 N. Pennsylvania Ave - Rabbit Hole - DT
5/17 - 6/17 - 8 pm Thur/Fri/Sat; 3 pm Sat; 2 pm Sun - Out of Orbit by Jennifer Maisel director: Frannie Shepherd-Bates - WT
5/20-21 - 6;30 pm -AUDITIONS for The Amazing Maurice and His Educated Rodents, Young Artisan Workshop actors 10-18 - RWT
5/19-20 - 2 pm - The Drama Ladies present ‘Oh, Behave’! interactive show for ages 3-10 created/directed by Leah Gerstel & Megan Lawrence - PCTC
5/31- 6/2 - 6:30 pm Thur/Fri & 10 am Sat - AUDITIONS (ages 6-18) for A Midsummer Night’s Dream - DT
Greater Lansing Ubiquitous Theatres
**AECT - All-of-us Express Children’s Theatre www.cityofeastlansing.com/allofus - 517-319-6957 - [email protected]
AND - Andromeda Community Theatre, Charlotte, MI - www.andromedaplayers.org - [email protected] - 517-303-4576
DT - The Downeaster Theatre -1120 N. Pennsylvania Ave. - Lansing 48906; www.thedowneastertheatre.com (517) 763-8045
GCT - Generations Community Theater (517) - 410 - 4356 [email protected], www.generationstheater.com
*IX - Ixion - ixiontheatre.com, [email protected], 517-775-4246
LCC - Lansing Community College Communication, Media & the Arts - www.lcc.edu/showinfo -517-483-1488 • 517-483-1122
PCTC - Peppermint Creek Theatre Company - www.peppermintcreek.org - 517-927-3016
RWT - Community Circle Players at Riverwalk Theatre, www.RiverwalkTheatre.com, 517-482-5700
STL - Starlight Dinner Theatre - 517-243-6040 - www.starlightdinnertheatre.com
WT - Williamston Theatre - 517-655-SHOW (7469) www.williamstontheatre.org
* performs at Robin Theatre, 1105 S. Washington, 48910
** performs at Hannah Center, 819 Abbot Rd., E. Lansing