With the restrictions on gatherings now, and with the actual Silver Bells event going 'virtual' (TV only), the radio show the classic radio version of IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE will still go on the air as well - Friday Nov. 20 at 8pm on LCC Radio 89.7.
This year the show will be pre-recorded, mixed and edited by the Audio Air Force. Each actor recording their lines individually from home, and the final show being produced and then the recording to be played just as if it were live. The program will be played on LCC Radio 89.7 FM beginning at 8pm, right after the virtual Silver Bells event on TV. Once the show airs it will be available to listen to at the station's web site, as well as the Audio Air Force's web site audioairforce.com.
The Audio Air Force produced a Halloween show using the same technologies. That show is still on the Audio Air Force web site for review.
For more information -
Dave Downing - Audio Air Force