Now, there is nothing wrong with Plan "B", except we sacrificed gender diversity in choosing it. While no show can check all the boxes (nor should a script be chosen solely on those merits) we think we can be a bit better. And we are asking you to help us.
We are taking script suggestions through June 15.
The scripts should feature no more than four actors — at least one of which should be a role open to women over the age of 40.
Bonus points if the script is written by a woman and/or offers well-rounded roles for a diversity of actors.
Bonus bonus points if it has a science fiction theme.
(Please Note: Much like "Whose Line Is It Anyway" the points are a conceit and not a true scoring system.)
The show slot and director are still set. (Directed by O.G. Ueberroth; Performances September 8, 9, 15 & 16)
We are simply looking to the broad expertise of artists in the area to help us come up with a better answer.
We look forward to your suggestions.
jeff croff
Artistic Director mailto:[email protected]