5/18 - 6/18, 8pm Th/Fri/Sat / 3pm Sat / 2pm Sun - Taking Shakespeare by John Murrell, directed by Mary Job- WT
6/1-3 - 6:30-8:30pm Thu/Fri; 10 am-12pm Sat) Auditions (Ages 9-18) for Shrek the Musical, Junior - AECT
6/1-4 & 8-11, 8pm (2pm Sundays) - Luna Gale by Rebecca Gilman, directed by Jordan Climie - PCTC
6/6-11- Fun Home - WTN
6/7-6/10 @ 8:00 pm, See Rock City & Other Destinations, Book by Brad Alexander, Music and Lyrics by Adam Mathias, Directed by Brad Willcuts, Musical Direction by Dave Wendelberger, Ages 13 and up - MSUSC
6/8-11 & 15-18, 7pm Thu / 8pm Fri-Sat / 2pm Sun - Catch Me If You Can, musical by Terrence McNally, Music by Marc Shaiman, Lyrics by Scott Wittman & Marc Shaiman, Directed by Jane Falion w/John Dale Smith - RWT
6/9, 6/10, 6/16, 6/17 @ 6:30 pm, Summer Circle Kids Show, The Amazing America Road Trip, Written and directed by Rob Roznowski, All ages welcome - MSUSC
6/10 - 7 pm Reflections, variety show by students of The Studio at Hannah Community Center - SPA
6/14-6/17 @ 8:00 pm, Peter / Wendy By Jeremy Bloom, Directed by, Deric McNish, All ages welcome- MSUSC
6/21-6/24 @8:00 pm, Bike America By Mike Lews, Directed by Mark Colson, Mature audiences only.- MSUSC
6/16, 6/17, 6/23, 6/24 @ 10:00 pm, Summer Circle Late Night: Bob: A Life in Five Acts, By Peter Sinn Nachtrieb, Directed by Matt Greenbaum, Mature audiences only- MSUSC
6/16-18 & 23-25, 8pm & 3pm Sundays, Sister Act - OCP
6/21-25, 7pm - William Shakespeare's Land of the Dead, directed by John Lennox - Summer Stage Outdoor Amphitheatre - Free - LCC
Greater Lansing Ubiquitous Theatres
AECT - All-of-us Express Children’s Theatre - www.cityofeastlansing.com/allofus - and/or -
www.allofusexpress.org - 517-319-6957 - [email protected]
LCC - Lansing Community College Communication, Media & the Arts - www.lcc.edu/showinfo - 517-483-1488
MSU - Michigan State University Department of Theatre - www.theatre.msu.edu - 517-432-2000
MSUSC - MSU Summer Circle Theatre, theatre.msu.edu/summercircle - 517-355-6690
OCP - Owosso Community Players, www.owossoplayers.com - 989-723-4003
PCTC - Peppermint Creek Theatre Company - www.peppermintcreek.org - 517-927-3016
RWT - Community Circle Players at Riverwalk Theatre, www.RiverwalkTheatre.com, 517-482-5700
SPA - The Studio Performing Arts Center - www.dancesingact.com - 517-336-4088
WT - Williamston Theatre - 517-655-SHOW (7469) www.williamstontheatre.org
WTN - Wharton Center for Performing Arts at MSU - 517-432-2000 - www.whartoncenter.com