We’re excited to announce our 2022-23 Season. In addition to the theatre productions, there will be music concerts with the LCC Concert Choir, LCC Jazz Band, LCC Rock Band and dance performances in various community venues. Concert dates and locations will be announced soon. All theatre productions will be in the LCC Black BoxTheatre while Dart Auditorium is under renovation.
LCC Black Box stage is 1422 Gannon Bldg. south end of building; enter from Grand Ave. Note that shows run only ONE WEEKEND.
Queering History
By Maggie Keenan-Bolger
Directed by Paige Tufford
October 13-15, 2022 @ 8 p.m.
Emma is a quiet, unobtrusive high school student who also happens to be queer. Her high school history class is turned upside down by a visit from her ‘Fairy Queen Godmother,’ Kinsey Scale and his Gaggle of Historical Gays. Written in collaboration with LGBTQIA+ Homeless Youth, Queering History explores how our world might be different if LGBTQIA+ history was taught in our schools. (Staged Reading)
By Branden Jacobs-Jenkins
Directed by Andy Callis
November 16-19, 2022 @ 8 p.m.
November 20 @ 2 p.m.
A finalist for the 2018 Pulitzer Prize, this modern riff on the 15th-century morality play Everyman follows Everybody (chosen from amongst the cast by lottery at each performance) as they journey through life’s greatest mystery: the meaning of living. “This is theatre rather unlike anything you might have seen…unusual, unconventional and eye-opening…Everyman is no barrel of laughs, being a morality play about death. EVERYBODY tells the same tale, with equal emotional heft; but it is not only provocative and involving, it is also funny. Wildly funny, in fact.” --Huffington Post.
Do You Feel Anger?
By Mara Nelson-Greenberg
Directed by Paige Tufford
February 22-25, 2023 @ 8 p.m.
February 26 @ 2 p.m.
Sofia was recently hired as an empathy coach at a debt collection agency—and clearly, she has her work cut out for her. These employees can barely identify what an emotion is, much less practice deep, radical compassion for others. And while they painstakingly stumble towards enlightenment, someone keeps mugging Eva in the kitchen. An outrageous comedy about the absurdity—and the danger—of a world where some people’s feelings matter more than others’.
I Knock at the Door
By Sean O’Casey
Adapted by Paul Shyre
Directed by Andy Callis
March 16-18, 2023 @ 8 p.m.
Similar to Kenneth Branagh's film "Belfast", I Knock at the Door is a story of a family being held together by a loving and strong mother while class and religious turmoil threaten to pull them apart. O'Casey's portraits of his family are deeply sympathetic, and his vivid memories are brought to life with equally vivid language. With Irish Music. (Staged Reading)
By Molière, translated into English verse by Richard Wilbur
Directed by Kevin O’Callaghan
April 12-15, 2023 @ 8 p.m.
April 16 @ 2 p.m.
The story takes place in the home of the wealthy Orgon, where Tartuffe—a fraud and a pious imposter—has insinuated himself. He succeeds magnificently in winning the respect and devotion of the head of the house, and then tries to marry his daughter and seduce his wife. Denounced and banned by the French government when first produced in the 1660s, Molière’s devilish comedy is perfectly ripe for our times.
Contact LCC Performing Arts Production Office, 517-483-1122 or [email protected]
Web http://www.lcc.edu/showinfo
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/LCCPerformingArts/