Various characters, including Benjy's pushy mother Belle Steinberg Carroca (Colleen Bethea) and the other TV writers, K.C. Downing (Mycah Artis), Sy Benson (Tom Klunzinger), Alice Miller (Lisa Pappas), Herb Lee (Ron Lott) and the show’s producer Leo Silver (Gary Mitchell) add to the chaos of putting together a television production. Other featured actors include: Bobby Maldonado, Michael Erwine, Kris Maier and Sophia Vitello.
My Favorite Year is a highly entertaining family oriented show that is loaded with clever dialog, good music and creative dance numbers. The show’s award winning director is Dan Pappas and he is aided by musical director James Geer and choreographers Fran Norton and Elizabeth Todd. One thing is certain, My Favorite Year is sure to be your favorite show.
Dates: May 30- June 2 and June 6-9, 2013.
Times: Thursdays at 7 p.m., Fridays and Saturdays at 8 p.m., Sundays at 2 p.m.
Ticket Prices: $20 regular price, $18 for seniors 55+ or students
Location: Riverwalk Theatre, 228 Museum Drive, Lansing, MI 48933.
For additional information on Riverwalk Theatre productions and ticket information, please call 482-5700 or visit the website at