The Nightmare on Belknap Street is an all-ages, haunted house attraction in nearby Grand Ledge. Its owners, Kaley and Daniel Rahl, are seeking actors to play monsters, zombies, and other ghastly characters during its 2017 run this October. The Nightmare on Belknap Street will be open to the public from 6:00PM - 8:30PM on:
• Saturday, October 21st
• Saturday, October 28th
• Tuesday, October 31st
Actors are welcome to participate on one, two, or all three dates depending on their schedule and will be asked to arrive at least 20 minutes prior to 6:00PM to receive their instructions for the evening as well as to assist in turning on any remaining props and lights. A limited number of costumes are available for actors to borrow. Actor-provided costumes must be approved by the owners before being used in the haunt. Interested individuals are encouraged to contact Kaley or Daniel via:
• Email - [email protected]
• Facebook Group - NOBS Actors/Volunteers
• Facebook Messenger - Kaley or Daniel
Please feel welcome to also visit and LIKE the Facebook page for the haunt at
Block Party Info
Please note, a costume party for the neighborhood surrounding the Nightmare on Belknap Street may occur on Saturday, October 21st beginning around 4:00PM. Neighbors would be given the opportunity to meet the evening’s actors (in costume or in day clothes, to be determined) and preview the haunt at 5:30PM prior to opening for the public. Please check your calendars and let Kaley or Daniel know if you may be interested in volunteering early that day
Happy Haunting!
"Winifred & Skully Bones"
Kaley & Daniel Rahl | Co-Owners
Nightmare on Belknap Street
mailto:[email protected]
NOBS Actors/Volunteers