The Riverwalk Promotions and Engagement committee is looking for a volunteer to be our Restaurant Advertiser Liaison. (There could be a free ticket or few in this for you; give me a call…)
We plan to offer a FREE business-card-size ad to eight restaurants or bars near Riverwalk Theatre — in exchange for displaying a poster for each show and/or flyers for patrons to pick up. The small ads would include restaurant/bar name, address, hours, phone, website and all be grouped together on one page under the header, “Before or after the show…"
(Restaurants would have the option of placing a larger paid ad with a further description of their establishment and/or a coupon; in these cases, the small ad would include, “See ad, page x.”)
The Restaurant Advertiser Liaison would have the preliminary task of soliciting eight nearby restaurants/bars and getting their ad info to Jane Zussman — and the ongoing task of supplying each restaurant with posters and/or flyers before each show.
Interested? Contact [email protected] • 517-930-0932