9/27-28 & 10/4-5 - 8pm Sunset Baby by Dominique Morisseau, Director: Deb Keller - Black Box 1422 Gannon Bldg. - LCC
9/27-29 & 10/4-5 - 7:30pm; 2pm Sundays- Neil Simon’s God’s Favorite - HGP
9/30-10/1 at 6:30pm - 8pm Auditions for North Pole Radio Hour at the Mason Historical Society Museum 200 E. Oak St. Mason, MI 48854 - GEN
10/3-6 & 10-13 - 7pm Thur; 8pm Fri/Sat; 2pm Sun - Sweat - Pulitzer-Prize-winning drama, director George Popovich - RWT
10/3-11/3 - 8pm Thur/Fri, 3pm & 8pm Sat, 2pm Sun - The Safe House by Kristine Thatcher, director Casaundra Freeman- Michigan Premiere - WT
10/11-20 - Fri 10/11-8pm; Sat 10/12-8pm; Sun 10/13-2pm; Tues 10/15-7:30pm; Wed 10/16-7:30pm; Thur 10/17-7:30pm; Fri 10/18-8pm; Sat 10/19-2pm & 8pm; Sun 10/20-2pm - Frankenstein by Quinn Mattfield, director Ryan Welsh - Pasant Theatre - MSU
10/17 & 18 - 7pm - Something Wicked: Halloween Dinner Theatre, Shakespeare edited and directed by Iris Raine Paul at Strange Matter Coffee East - CUR
10/17-19 - 7pm; 2 & 7pm Saturday – Frozen Jr., music and lyrics by Kristen Anderson-Lopez, Robert Lopez, book by Jennifer Lee, director Veronica Hetke - MTC
10/18-19 & 25-27 - 6:30 dinner 7:30 show; Sunday 10/27 only: dessert 1:30 show 2pm - Something’s Afoot whodunit musical - STL
10/18, 19, & 20 - 6pm Fri & Sat, 2pm Sun -Baskerville: A Sherlock Holmes Mystery by Ken Ludwig - dinner show at the Eaton Area Senior Center - AND
10/21 -22 - 7pm - Auditions for Lion in Winter at Waverly East Intermediate, director Kristine Thatcher - STL
10/24-27 & 10/31-11/3 - 7pm Thur; 8pm Fri/Sat; 2pm Sun - A Piece of My Heart, true drama, director Diane Cooke - RWT
10/25-27 & 11/1-3 - 7pm Fri; 3pm Sat/Sun - Poe: Dreams of Madness - AECT
10/25-27 & 11/1-3 - 8pm Fri/Sat; 3pm Sun, Marvin’s Room - LEB
10/25-27 & 11/1-3 - 7pm; 2pm Sundays - 12 Incompetent Jurors by Ian McWethy, hilarious parody of 12 Angry Men, director Ted Wulfekuhler, at Sycamore Creek Church - GEN
10/25-31 – Fri 10/25-8pm; Sat 10/26-8pm; Wed 10/30-8pm; Thurs 10/31-8pm Haunted AUD – MSU
10/26-27, 11/2-3 Apples in Winter by Jennifer Fawcett Lansing, MI - IX
10/31-11/10 - 8pm 10/31, 11/1, 7-9; 2pm 11/2, 3, 10 - The Humans by Stephen Karam, director Emily Clark – PCTC
10/31 - 7pm - Halloween Night Suspense - Suspense On a Country Road, radio version of a movie with the same name from 1959, which starred Cary Grant and Ida Lupino. A story of mystery, and murder; The Lost Dog an original script written much in the spirit of the Twilight Zone for the Audio Air Force by Will Anderson, who is a professor at Central Michigan - and the final installment of Superman, Batman's Great Mystery - AAF
Greater Lansing Ubiquitous Theatres
AAF - Audio Air Force - live “radio shows” - http://www.audioairforce.com - Dave Downing - 517-881-9746
AECT - All-of-us Express Children’s Theatre - www.cityofeastlansing.com/allofus - 517-319-6957 - [email protected]
AND - Andromeda Community Theatre, Charlotte, MI - www.andromedaplayers.org - [email protected] - 517-303-4576
CUR - Curtainless Theatre [email protected]. www.facebook.com/curtainlesstheatrelansing
GEN - Generations Community Theatre - www.generationstheater.com
HGP - Homegrown Productions, 517-930-1421 “Homegrown Productions St. Johns” Facebook performs at Wilson Center, 101 W. Cass St., St. Johns, MI 48879
IX - Ixion - ixiontheatre.com, [email protected], 517-775-4246
LCC - Lansing Community College Communication, Media & the Arts - www.lcc.edu/showinfo -
517-483-1488 / 517-483-1122
LEB - Lebowsky Center for Performing Arts - LebowskyCenter.com - 989-723-4003
MTC - Midway Theater Company - midwaytheatercompany.org - 517-316-5272
MSU - Michigan State University Department of Theatre - www.theatre.msu.edu - 517-432-2000
PCTC - Peppermint Creek Theatre Company - www.peppermintcreek.org - 517-927-3016
RWT - Community Circle Players at Riverwalk Theatre, www.RiverwalkTheatre.com, 517-482-5700
STL - Starlight Dinner Theatre - 517-243-6040 - www.starlightdinnertheatre.com
WT - Williamston Theatre - 517-655-SHOW (7469) www.williamstontheatre.org
WTN - Wharton Center for Performing Arts at MSU - 517-432-2000 or 1-800-Wharton or