Through The Looking Glass follows a shy, teenage Alice (Emily McWethy) as she attempts to retrieve her kittens (Yagmur Ulsoy and Briella Fase), who mysteriously disappear into a living room mirror.
What follows is a magical adventure in a strange World of Living Flowers, caught between two silly, self-consumed sisters (Kaleel Van Voorhees and Mikaela McWethy) and accompanied by the Crow (Marissa Beatty) and the Jabberwock (Katherine Knox). Many adventures later, which include bearing witness to the Walrus and Carpenter’s dining feud (Simon Rebeck and Elsa Rusthoven), encounters with two grumpy little twin men (Christen Chappelle and Annie McIlhagga), being caught as a pawn in a life-size chess game, and the Red and White Knights dueling on hobby horses with no balancing skills, Alice learnes to trust herself and oversome her fear (the Jabberwock) and doubt (the Crow) to be able to advance to the status of a Queen herself, completely in charge of her destiny. Directed by the The Studio PAC Artistic Director, Patrice Van Voorhees, the show features a cast of 18 young dancers exhibiting a variety of extraordinary athletic and physical theatrical skills. It is a story delight for all ages!
Tickets are $10 each and can be purchased at [email protected]
For more information, please contact Patrice Van Voorhees at
The Studio Performing Arts Center
[email protected]