Role Playing Volunteers needed for poverty simulation!
Every year, the Michigan Primary Care Association hosts an Enabling Services Forum, which is designed as a training event for health center staff members who help connect people to social services (e.g., translation, outreach and enrollment, MLP, food assistance, etc.). This year, we're partnering with the Community Economic Development Association of Michigan to conduct apoverty simulation to help give folks a better idea of the kinds of social barriers people face when it comes to accessing necessary services.
We’re looking for approximately 20 volunteers to role play the different people participants in the simulation might encounter during the day, which may include social workers, bankers, rent collectors, police officers, and more. The event will take place on Sept. 5, 2018, from 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at the Henry Center in Lansing.Breakfast and lunch will be provided. If you’re interested in helping community health center employees learn more about how to better serve their patients, please contact Jen Anderson, associate director of communications, at mailto:[email protected].
Community health centers are local clinics that provide care to people who live in medically underserved areas. The MPCA is the voice of community health centers, advocating for and supporting them so they can deliver comprehensive primary and preventive care. Learn more at: