Renegade Ruckus Seeking Two Actors
The teams have been created by performance groups and individuals.Though we still need two performers to round out one of the teams. If interested in performing for the Renegade Ruckus email me, mailto:[email protected]. Once we have the two remaining actors, I'll contact the individuals that have expressed interest and assign them to teams.
To refresh your memory. Here are the details for the event.
Dear theatre friends,
The Renegade Theatre Festival has added a new event. They have created the Renegade Ruckus. The Ruckus is a 24-hour free-for-all of play writing and performing madness. The Ruckus will provide prompts to writers to develop a 10 minute play utilizing four actors in just twelve hours. Those freshly birthed plays will immediately go from womb to work as they are handed off to 6 teams to rehearse and perform just 24 hours after the writers received their marching orders. (And are hopefully better at not mixing metaphors.)
The teams will be assigned the scripts and performance slots randomly and have approximately twelve hours to prepare.
Just the facts:
• Prompts will be provided to writers at 10:30 pm Friday August 17th in Old Town Lansing, MI.
• Teams will receive scripts at 10:30 am Saturday August 18th in Old Town Lansing, MI
• Teams will perform scripts beginning at 10:30 pm Saturday August 18th in Old Town Lansing, MI
• Scripts will incorporate four actors and prompts
I look forward to hearing from you.
jeff croff mailto:[email protected]
Renegade Ruckus Coordinator