I’ve been working on the program for the upcoming Cabaret, directed by Meghan Eldred-Woolsey, with John Dale Smith and Karyn Perry - and it’s shaping up to be a must-see.
It features talented singers (Laura Croff, Brian Farnham, Larissa Gleason-Clark, Ben Holzhausen, Kelley Lofton, Bob Purosky, Racheal Raymer, Maggie Smith, Travis Williams, Adam Woolsey)
...and Karyn’s Dance Place Dancers (Sarah Albrecht, Olivia Carpenter, Kendall Craddock, Rachael Dec, Kennedy Kirsch, Nora Laukkanen, Natali Mann, Harper Massey, Chloe Mayes, Frankie Nevin, Kyra Pohl, Jennifer Tran)
They will be offering a wide array of tunes from familiar (Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas) to new (Once Upon A December from Anastasia) to humorous (You’re a Mean One, Mr. Grinch) and many more.
12/21-23 - 7 pm Fri/Sat; 3 pm Sunday - $15 (note unusual times)
Tickets to this show would be a great holiday gift - AND/OR you can always give RIVERWALK GIFT CERTIFICATES on the website: http://www.riverwalktheatre.com