11/4 - RWT Saturday Night - folk, jazz, classical & Lansing’s Poet Laureate!
Nov. 4, 8 PM
Fun variety show! Thanks to the performers’ generosity, all proceeds go to Riverwalk!
$10+ suggested donation at the door; general seating • 517-482-5700
Tom Heideman has once again assembled a new and interesting array of performers — this time with a classical/jazz flair. He and Mary Koenigsknecht will perform their acclaimed folk-ish singer/songwriter favorites, with other musicians including classical flute and guitar with Bryan Guarnuccio and Chris Rollins, plus jazz with the DJClarinet Combo featuring Doug Carleton, Duncan Tarr and Nathan Borton.
We’ll miss Tom’s poet friend David James, but the “poetry slot” will be well filled with Dennis Hinrichsen, selected last April as the inaugural Lansing Poet Laureate.
Dennis is a long-time Lansing resident and retired professor of English at LCC.
ONE SHOW ONLY - Don’t miss it!