We have been renting a storage unit for overflow items we have no room for. In the 7 years we have been renting a storage unit, the rent has increased by 40%. They are now asking $139 a month for rent of a 10 X 20 space. That is $1,668 a year down the drain which could be going into our shows. The board and I agree this is not cost effective for Starlight especially since we have had a rough three years financially since Covid hit.
We need free storage space for as many items as you may be able to store. It does not need to be for all of the items, even just a few of them will help. It can be cold storage. These are the items needing a home: a 50's style kitchen table, 3 - 50's style bar stools, 5 or 6 tapestry carpet rolls, 6 - 4' wide white picket fences , 2 sets of bed frames, 2 antique vacuum cleaners, a small refrigerator, a small stove, a rack of military uniforms, an upright wooden antique radio, 2 or 3 50's style chrome chairs, toilet, shelf units, a bar, crates, antique wooden office chair on wheels, small TV, 4 Danish modern dining room chairs, 2 arbors, two stuffed chairs, Ficus trees, end tables and small items such as luggage, a bag of hanging beads, duffle bag, tote of trophies and more that I cannot remember right now. Many are antiques so we do not want to get rid of them.
We are clearing out the storage unit Saturday, January 28th in the afternoon. We may be able to deliver that day or later.
We are not concerned about how far away the items are stored. If you can provide us space, we will give you two gift certificates to any of our upcoming shows (to be announced) including dinner and list your name in our program as a donor. Please email me at mailto:[email protected] if you think you can help. Thank you! Linda Granger
P.S. STILL reading and sharing scripts trying to find a show for the spring and next season (Fall 2023 - spring 2024).