“Lucky’s” is the story of a bar and the people that love it. Episode 4 revolves around the “Lucky’s Last Chance” event concocted by event planner Tess (Hope Miller) and bartender Pat (Isaac Sprague) to save the bar from bankruptcy. Owner Barbara (Gayle Grier) and the ghost of her husband Lucky (Michael Hays) spend time bickering about Barb’s new beau before Lucky has a flashback to the night he was killed.
“Lucky’s” is once a month performances of one-act original scripts with recurring cast members. Audience members get to vote on what will happen during the next month’s performance. Any actors interested in appearing as a guest in this episode should contact The Downeaster.
“I would love to get more community members involved in our unique serial interactive piece,” said Executive Artistic Director, Kathryn Willis.
Tickets are $5 for youth/members/senior/military/students (please present ID for Military or student pricing), $10 for adults, and $8 for subscribers. Community members can purchase tickets by visiting The Downeaster, 1120 N. Pennsylvania Ave. Tickets can also be purchased online at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/luckys-episode-4-tickets-42881995202 or at the door. Visit www.thedowneastertheatre.com or the Facebook page for more information.
Lucky's Binge Episode:
Did you miss any episodes of Lucky's this season!? Afraid to start watching because you're going to be lost? Fear not! Come binge Episodes 1-4 with us, then follow it up with Episode 5 later that night!
Lucky's, Lansing's original live sitcom: The story of a bar and those who love it.
Episode 1: Welcome to Lucky's
Episode 2: Compromising Positions
Episode 3: The Great Chicago Leak
Episode 4: Lucky's Last Chance
This show is BYOB, and ticket prices stay the same! $10 Adults, $5 Members/Students/Seniors/Military/Youth - AND if you want to join us for Episode 5 at 8pm, your ticket is only an additional $5! You are welcome to stay in between shows to meet and greet with our cast and crew.
ALSO!: The Downeaster seeks EXTRAS for Lucky's Episode 4 (April 15) and Lucky's Binge (May 6)!
Looking for:
-3 males 20s-30s (minimal 2-6 lines)
-1 female 20s-30s (no lines)
-1 female 50s-70s (minimal 2-6 lines)
-1 male 50s-70s (recurring role)
-1 male 50s-70s (stand in for Lucky, who is unable to perform this Sunday)
Rehearsals are Wednesdays 1-4 and at 5pm on the Sunday before the performance (8pm). The Binge Episode will be 5-7pm on Sunday, May 6, followed by Episode 5 at 8pm.
mailto:[email protected] or The Downeaster Theatre's Facebook for questions, interest, or more info!