“Beauty Shop”, a slow day at the Fantastic Frills Salon, the “in” place to go for all princesses, luminaries and other fantastical beings. One this day, Goldilocks, Rapunzel, Cinderella, Briar Rose and Alice (from Wonderland) are all looking for a “do-over”.
In “The Brothers Grimm Spectaculathon”, a troupe of actors is attempting to portray all 209 Grimm Fairy Tales in one hour, weaving the tales together in one giant family history; mayhem and antics ensue when all of the actors are taken ill by the catering and only two are left to carry on!
Tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for children and can be purchased at the door prior to the show.
Important notes: Because of construction in the building, there is no handicapped access; the Arena is in the basement of the Auditorium building on the Farm Lane side. Also, the East Lansing Art Fair will close down streets adjacent off of Grand River so theatre goers coming from the east will have to enter campus via Grand River at Bogue Street to Auditorium Rd. turn right, go to where road comes to a “t’ and is blocked (at Physics Rd.) turn right, and find the parking lot on left. Drive through the parking lot (at Physics Rd,) to the end of the lot (directly across from of the Auditorium Building) and walk across the lot to the theatre. The Physics parking lot is located on the north side of the Auditorium Building and directly across from the front of it. (Jane adds: I'm assuming those of us coming from the west can enter campus from the south at Trowbridge or Shaw Lane off Harrison and turn north on Farm Lane to get to the Auditorium building which is on the corner of Farm Lane and Auditorium Rd.)