East Lansing Hannah Community Center
The Studio Performing Arts Center
Belle (From Beauty and The Beast) has happily married her Handsome Prince and is living blissfully in a beautiful castle, surrounded by her lovely Rose Garden, good friends, and an excellent Master Chef who makes cakes galore. Enter The Witch, a forest wretch that harbors resentment and unending loneliness caused by aggressive bullying of her underlings. When the happy couple host a beautiful ball (and conveniently forget to invite The Witch), she and her cronies crash the castle party, freeze the guests in place, dance a puppet duet with the Prince and steal away the beautiful Princess deep into the forbidding woods. Can the castle occupants find their Princess before she wastes away in her forest dungeon? Can the lovelorn Prince temper his temper in order to delegate a search party and rescue his bride? Can the Cook sharpen his knives and help the Prince to battle the wily forest folk? Come and find out in this delightful original story, told through the eyes of the characters that were there!