Mark and I got called in a few years ago when longtime judges, the Milsteins, were ill and had missed over half the shows, and someone suggested us who knew we’d seen most shows because of the GLUT. Thespies began looooong ago when there was a team of objective and knowledgeable theatre reviewers working for the State Journal. No more.
Kudos to Mike Hughes for caring enough to chair the meeting, feed us subs and force votes, and write the article -- even though he, himself, sees almost none of the shows and has little to do with choosing judges or methods. No one is really “in charge” — and it’s very tough to find anyone qualified-but-NOT-participating-in-shows who’s willing/able to see/judge 50-something shows.
So congratulations to EVERYbody who participated in and/or attended shows this past season. Long live live theatre!