Alice (Lorena Krauss), is sought out by a group of performers searching for someone to fill the title role for their production of Alice in Wonderland. They are in luck when they stumble upon the perfect little girl who is engrossed in her own daydream. True to the original story, Alice follows a bustling White Rabbit (Andrew Muylle) down the rabbit hole "past curious whatchamacallits and things" into Wonderland, where "it's always summer -- that's the rule.”
This adventure takes her on a wonderous journey where she joins the Mad Hatter (Philip Franke), Dormouse (Tracy Smith) and March Hare (Bobby Maldonado) for tea and crumpets. Along the way, she also meets the Gryphon (Emily Kloc) and the Mock Turtle (Elizabeth Johnson). Alice even witnesses a court trial of the Knave of Hearts (Bill Henson), presided over by the Queen of Hearts (Michelle Smith). Alice’s magical journey also introduces her to many other well-known characters from this classic tale.
Evolve Theatrics hopes this show will allow audience members to dream wonderous dreams and allow their hearts to soar in an escape from the problems of the world today.
How to watch:
While this virtual production was staged using Zoom as the performance venue, it will be available to audiences as a “Video on Demand” through ShowTix4U. There will be NO charge to attend the production. However, tickets must be obtained on our website ( on October 16th and 17th. Once an audience member has obtained a ticket, they may watch the video at any time prior to the end of the day on October 17th. Other members are welcome to watch the video along with the ticket holder. Run time for the production is approximately 1 hour. We hope to see you next weekend as a virtual audience member. Enjoy the show!!